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WDS-ITO participates in IAC for DSWS 2023

The 2023 International Symposium on Data Science (DSWS) is a response to the challenges of research data discovery and reuse. The aim of the symposium is to increase mutual understanding of data management aspects by all stakeholders, and will open new paths for pursuing activities in different fields of science. Hosted by the Science Council of Japan in Tokyo, the symposium will run from 11 – 15 December 2023.

DSWS 2023 is free and hybrid, with registration opening on 1 June 2023 for participants and applicants who would like to submit a presentation or a poster. Presenters for oral presentations and posters can choose from multiple themes the symposium is targetting, namely Challenges of data systems and networks, Open science under the FAIR principles, Lessons learned from COVID-19 data, Recent developments in data science, Involvement of early career researchers and scientists, GEO variables and data mapping for Cold Regions, and the Asia-Oceania data forum. There will also be sessions dedicated to strategic planning for specific committees and groups as well as multiple networking and social events.

DSWS 2023 is being organized and coordinated by both local and international organizing committees, in which there are multiple representatives from the WDS and ISC. ITO staff member Chantelle Verhey is a member of the International Advisory Committee (IAC), a co-convener for the “Challenges of data systems and networks” theme, and is an invited speaker. Chantelle is joined by WDS Scientific Committee chair David Castle and WDS-IPO executive director Meredith Goins in organizing and taking key roles in the symposium program.

With registration opening tomorrow, we encourage you to register, apply to give a presentation, and watch for the finalization of the program in November 2023!

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