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Register now for RDA20, EOSC-Future co-located event

The Research Data Alliance 20th Plenary in Gothenburg, Sweden is quickly approaching. Registration for RDA20 is open and early-bird prices are available until February 5, 2023.

The ITO will be present at multiple RDA20 events, and not all of them require registration in the plenary itself or paid registration. We have been working with international partners, RDA, and EOSC Future to create the “Building blocks of Global Research Commons: Europe and beyond” co-located half-day event on Monday, March 20, 2023. You can register for this event directly without attending RDA20, or confirm your registration for this event during your RDA20 registration if you are planning to attend both.

This co-located event will open with presentations and discussions on the current implementations and challenges of research commons globally, including an overview of the progress and findings of the GORC-WG by ITO Director Dr. Karen Payne. Representatives from research commons will then discuss solutions to these issues through presentations and panel discussions, and how the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will rise to the challenge. See the full schedule and register for this co-located event here.

If you are an undergraduate student, graduate student, or postdoctoral fellow enrolled at a Canadian university or college, consider applying for our Student Travel Support Fund to enable your direct participation in RDA20. Registration is taken care of for travel support fund recipients, and the application deadline is February 5, 2023.

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