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Repository Needs Assessment Webinar

Repository Needs Assessment Webinar


Tuesday, March 14th, 2023    
16:00 UTC - 18:00 UTC

Save the date and register!

The ITO and IPO will be hosting a webinar on 14 March 2023 at 8:00 PT (11:00 ET) titled “Research Analysis: WDS Members and Canadian CTS Cohort Needs

A "Save the Date" poster. The World Data System logo is in the top left corner, and "SAVE the DATE" is in large block navy font in the centre-top. It is followed by smaller nacy centre-aligned font, "WEBINAR: Research Analysis: WDS Members and Canadian CTS Cohort Needs Assessment, 14 March, 2023, 08:00AM PST/ 11:00AM EST". The background is light blue with wavy layers of darker blues and gold at the bottom.
Save the Date poster for the WDS webinar on 14 March 2023

Assessment”. ITO staff member Caroline Lee will showcase the findings of a joint project identifying the needs of WDS members and the Canadian CoreTrustSeal CohortRegistration is open!

This webinar will discuss the findings from the review of strategic plans and technical roadmaps of all current WDS members and the set of Canadian repositories that participated in the Digital Research Alliance of Canada’s CoreTrustSeal Certification Support and Funding Pilot. The purpose of this review, conducted from July 2022 to December 2022, was to test out a new organizational assessment method designed to identify needs and challenges faced by the WDS and Canadian CTS Cohort members.